Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Re: Senior Metropolitan: My thoughts

I wish to only respond to the last question by Anil John.

Anil, from what I have known about this great man that is Makarios
Thirumeni, Thirumeni will stay - Yes he will!

If Thirumeni was to leave this church, given the treatment meted out
to him by our church and especially the American Diocese, it would
have happened long back. Each time the church needed Thirumeni, the
leaders looked to him and he responded in exemplary fashion. Once
they got what they wanted, all shunned His Grace. Yet each time, this
shepherd rose to the occasion and guided the flock, knowing very well
that he will be isolated again by the very people he served.

His grace's vision for this church and this diocese is not
understood by either. Thirumeni is crucified because HG's vision does
not match with the (narrowminded?) thought process of many of our
people. (I am not taking sides here, since I am an outsider and I do
not know the other side of many stories, but I only wish this diocese
had seen the vision this Thirumeni had - much could have been gained,
and this church could have crossed new frontiers. Perhaps that was
not God's will, and as it is, we are actually making great progress under
Barnabas Thirumeni too -
all our bishops are great assets)When Makarios Thirumeni speaks of
change, people look at him with suspicion. But in HG's own words -
"Change is not a threat, change is growth and growth is change".Sometimes I
feel Makarios Thirumeni is far ahead of his times. Perhaps our church could
have used Thirumeni much more had HG come a couple of generations later!

Someday this church will look back and truly see the visionary that
Makarios Thirumeni is and give him the honour he is due, perhaps it
will be too late by then, yet Makarios Thirumeni will bless us and
pray for us and forgive us even then.

So as a response to your question, I can say this much - Yes,
Makarios Thirumeni will stay even if all "titles" are removed from
him, and will continue to help the church and guide the flock when
they look to him.

In Christ,
Mathew Samuel, Austin, TX.

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