Wednesday, May 16, 2012

The need for discussions in Christian spirit

We have been having heated discussions on some significant topics on
ICON. A discussion usually helps us to mature in our thinking,
because of the availability of the other perspective - if we are
willing to listen.

However we also sometimes go overboard when emotions take
centerstage which is seen in some uncharitable words we use in our
messages. This really hurts the spirit of the discussions. Our
discussions need to focus on the issues rather than on the
individual - only then can we gain anything from this.

The other day I was reading the Letter of Jude in the Bible and his
words seemed much relevant to us in our forum. Jude points out that
the false teachers of the time speak evil of their enemies, but in
contrast even the mighty archangel Michael, while disputing over the
body of Moses with the Devil himself, constrained himself(Jude was
quoting from another source available at the time)[verses 8,9].

The lesson to learn is - even the angels of the Lord constrain
themselves while dealing with the Lord's enemies, so also let us not
be the ones to judge,let us constrain ourselves and use respect and
love even while putting forward our views firmly and boldly.

As a side note:
I understand this is in some ways in contradiction to the words of several
fathers including St.Paul and even St.Gregorios of Parumala when dealing with
heretical teachings. Yet taking them all toghether allows us a balanced outlook
and points out the danger of seeing the words of saints out of context. When
St.Paul uses strong words to Galatians (what we sing in 'Paulose Sleeha..') and
when Parumala Thirumeni in his Kalpana discouraged us strongly from giving ears
to heretical teachers, they were reacting to the specific issues of their time,
and excercising their rights as the shepherds of the flock guarding against
wolves in the pack. They were right in directing us into the right path.As our
spiritual fathers, they have a responsibility to chastise us and guide us. At
the same time, when St.Jude asks us to show restraint, he is revealing a general
rule to be applied for all of us when dealing with opposing views.

Mathew Samuel,
Albany, NY.

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