Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Standards Based Web Development for Churches


There are a number of websites coming up for the church for various
parishes and institutions. There will be a hundreds more that will
come up in the near future.

I am sure ICON would have several people who are involved or would be
involved with these web development efforts. This message is
addressed to them.

Here is a thought borrowed from the IT world. The IT Internet world
has several big companies competing with each other. "Standards
based", "Open Source" are buzzwords now in the industry. Its benefits
are enormous in the industry.

Let us do some brainstorming for creating a web development standard
for our websites. At the very basic level, it would mean - if website
A adheres to these 'standards' it would do X,Y,Z things in a
particular manner, (other than all the other things it already does).
This would enable an easy sharing of basic information among these
websites, and as we think and develop this idea, I think the
possibilities would be limitless. We need a standard that would be
easy for existing websites to adapt to, as well as for new websites
to incorporate. Using technologies like XML, I think we can get this
done. The strength of this effort and its success will lie in the co-
operation and adherence from the website developers who create these
websites for the church. So a challenge for us is to impress on them
the need for a standards based approach. I have some initial
thoughts, but I need help and guidance to make it concrete.

If you guys are on board with this idea, please email the Moderators
at indianorthodox@ (without the space after @) and we can
initiate a team to develop this idea. I think it might be a step in
the right direction for the church in the cyber world.

Mathew Samuel,
Albany, NY

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