Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Communion for those outside the Church - Paulose Mar Gregorios

Dear all -

I remember that this was a topic of discussion in IOIF some time
back, and I do not know if this extract (of Gregorios Thirumeni) was
presented at the time, I am writing this anyway as I wish to share
with you all what I saw - I could see a tiny glimpse of the wisdom
and vision of this theological giant in these words of his, that I
happened to read today -

"As far as offering communion to those who are not in communion, we
do not think of the eucharist as a kind of feast for the invited, to
which the Church can hospitably invite some more people. It is the
Church which offers itself to God through the body and blood of the
Lord Jesus Christ...."

I have had my thoughts on this issue, but Thirumeni here seems to
make it so clear, he explain the dilemma of the church in extending
communion to those outside the church in simple words!

A million thanks to the people who worked to bring up this web site.

Mathew Samuel

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