Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Who is worthy?

Some time back, I had written against "Ordination for Women" and had invited
a few brickbats and illwill from a section of the readers. This note is
neither an endorsement nor a reversal of that view, I just wanted to share
another point.

Recently in another discussion in my circle, a view came out that women are
kept away from the sanctuary because they are not "worthy". My comment herein
is just a reaction to this.

It has been a tradition of the church since its inception that (usually) men
took leadership in the activities of the church. It was so because this was the
norm in the lives of the people too - the "traditions in the church" are
simply adapted from our "traditions in life". Yet there are many noteworthy
exceptions to this rule, like for eg, St. Makrina who was the great teacher of
her brothers St.Basil and St. Gregory.

Who is "worthy" to enter the santuary? Are the alter boys "worthy"?
Is the priest "worthy"? Are the bishops "worthy"? Isaiah Ch: 6 teaches us a
great lesson - even the Holy Prophet Isaiah realised his unworthiness when
compared to the glory that was God - then where do we stand?

The question here, I do not think, is of worthiness. It is an issue of a
tradition, a very very old tradition, which has been in place so long for very
valid reasons. Till about a few years ago, no one really seriously
questioned this tradition, since it was just a reflection of our lives then.
But today, lives are changing, women are standing shoulder to shoulder with
men and helping each other like never ever before - if accordingly certain
traditons require change, it will happen at the right time under the guidance
of the Holy Spirit, who broods over His Holy Church. If we truly feel that the
time has arrived for us to change this tradition and that it will be a healthy
change, let us all pray for the guidance of the Holy Ghost - He will act. For
we have the great promise that the Gates of Hades will never prevail against
the Church that our Lord and Savior established. (Matthew 16:18). The Church
will always be guided by the Holy Spirit.

The intention of this letter is not to argue for or against the original
topics in discussion, but to simply make a point that all of us, irrespective
of gender, are beloved children of our beloved Father. It is just by His grace
that we have this oppurtunity to celebrate and enjoy His Holy Body and Blood.

It is a matter of tradition that only men assist in the sanctuary, but
perhaps to acknowledge that we all are equal partakers of the Heavenly
Mysteries, we have another beautiful tradition of taking a little baby
(whether boy or girl) at the time of baptism into the Holy Sanctuary to kiss
the corners of the Holy alter.

But if the question is of "worthiness" I have no doubt in my mind that we all,
whether men or women, priests or laity, young or old, are all equally unworthy.

Mathew Samuel, Austin,TX

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