Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Terminolgy - EXPIRED, NO MORE

Dear all,

The following is based on a sermon I heard on the occasion of the
passing away of my beloved grand mother.

When we examine a driving license we find the words - 'EXPIRES ON
XX/XX/XXXX'. This means - the document we knew as our driving
license becomes "useless", "dead", "waste" after the said date.

How meaningful is it to use the same term when we speak of death of
our near and dear ones? Yet, is not the following PHRASE quite common
to us?


Do we convey the same meaning as the driving license when we send a
telegram with the above words?

How can a Christian "EXPIRE" or be "NO MORE"?
How appropriately our elders have coined the phrase "Passed away" for

Our vocabulary may need tuning as per Orthodox thinking.

"I am the living bread which came down from heaven; if any one eats
of this bread, he will live for ever". John 6:51

Mathew, Austin, TX.

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