Wednesday, April 7, 2021

Great Lent 2020 - 50 Days in 50 Messages

2020 - A Unique year. I had the opportunity to prepare and present my thoughts through the 50 days of the Great Lent of this remarkable year. Glory to God in all things. Thanks to Sam Thomas and Indian Orthodox Radio for allowing me this opportunity.

 Day 1 - Begin with the end in Mind

Day 2 - Setting goals 

Day 3 - Praying for Tears

Day 4 - Let the Changes in

Day 5 - Why does God not hear us? 

 Day 6 - The fasting God desires

Day 7 - Focus on Christ alone (and a recap) 

Great Lent 2020 - 50 Days in 50 Messages

2020 - A Unique year. I had the opportunity to prepare and present my thoughts through the 50 days of the Great Lent of this remarkable year...