Thursday, August 28, 2014

Christianity cannot be sugar coated

Many Christians including myself struggle to make the Church more acceptable for our children - we feel a lot of discomfort in the Church - we are inconvenienced
a lot on our Sundays - so we need chairs to sit, soft carpets to walk on, a pantry with coffee close by, food after the service - all so that we make our Church time more bearable.

And we talk about shorter services, more lively songs, more use of the language the children can understand, books in English, louder sermons, feet tapping music? that our children may see all these and find the Church attractive and stay in the Church.

We build huge mansions for Churches, magnificent cathedrals, awe inspiring sculptures, beautiful paintings - to create the traditions of our Christianity.

But if we really think about it - do we really want our children to be even part of this? The Church has, at its center, a man who was ruthlessly and mercilessly tortured and killed, whose initial followers were hunted down and massacred like animals, a king who was disowned by his own people, who asked us to follow Him even to His death. Do we really want our children to follow his path? Today I looked at a painting of St. Stephen the first martyr, showing the scene just before He was to be martyred - it was a horrifying scene - a chill ran down my spine as I realized - what the martyrs went through was terrifying, it was no fun - Christianity is no joke -

and that is what we are driving our children into - Christianity is about blood being shed - it cannot really be sugar coated.

So if we really think about it - instead of trying to make the Church more at home for our children, we may want to run away from it as fast as possible and as far away as possible with our children.
But fortunately, we are mostly peripheral Christians, and so we stay on with our fixation for Church. Ignorance is bliss.

(Has anyone ever felt like this?)

(April 2013)

The sign on doorposts at Passover

Was reading the story of Passover from the Bible to my daughter when I thought:
Why did the angel of death need a sign on the doorposts of Israeli homes to pass them over? Couldn't the deadly and mighty angel coming to kill the first born of Egypt have figured that out himself??

Wasn't that an indication that the Lord in His wisdom requires our participation, our responses, our acts - in the fulfillment of His Divine plans?
Wasn't that act a shadow of the sacraments to come in the New Israel, the Church?

(April 2013)

Religion and Charity

I can understand why its necessary to keep Religion separate from State, and also I can see a logic in why Religion is kept away from Schools(even though it saddens me that even the idea of God is systematically being driven out of the children's minds in their formative years), what can be the logic for keeping religion away from charity? I heard recently that certain employers hesitate to match funds if the charitable organization is connected to a religious institution (even though the charity is recognized - like in the US 501(c)(3) charities are those which have Federal Tax Exemption status)

What is religion without charity? As a Christian, my faith is nothing, if it does not bear good fruits in charity (The Bible is pretty clear that faith without 'works' is dead) - I am sure that is the case with most other religions. I know how certain religious extremists have used charity as a front for their extremists agenda. I also know of how funds from US and elsewhere have messed up the socio-ecumenical-secular fabric of countries like India. Those are gross abuses of money intended for charity and religion - yet, I feel the charity in religion is something really valuable and should not be stifled.

As long as one can trust that the money donated will be used solely for the charitable purpose, and will benefit those in need completely (and not be funded for any religious propagation) there should be a flourishing environment for charity driven by religion - where religion is encouraged to get involved and lead efforts in charity. Our world needs lot of charity.

Earth Day - a Christian's viewpoint

Everything that God created was "good". It was attested by none less than God Himself, and attested so many times during the Creation story - that He saw that whatever was being created was "good". "Good" - as in beautiful, perfect, complete, in harmony, and it served a divine purpose - everything was this way - even what we consider not of much worth - like - fruitless trees, wild animals, snakes..everything was "good" originally.

And He then made man the care-taker. So if today the Earth is messed up, we cannot walk away from the responsibility. Be kind and caring to the environment, use the world around us responsibly - its the only Christian way.

"The main point of Christianity was this: that Nature is not our mother: Nature is our sister." ~GK Chesterton

(Ref: St.John Chrysostom - homilies on Genesis.)

(April 2013)

Which caste are you?

Once a fellow traveller asked Sree Narayana Guru(famed social reformer and revolutionary against caste-ism in the Indian society, seen by many as a saint and revered for his knowledge of the Hindu Vedas) - "Which caste are you?"
Pat came the reply: "Don't you recognize, by what you see?"
"No!" replied the surprised enquirer.
"In that case"the Guru told him,"if you do not know by what you see, how will you know by what you hear?!"

~as narrated by Dr. Samadani,a Muslim scholar, at a speech in 2010 in Abu Dhabi at a Christian Youth Conference.

(April 2013)

The words of the priest

Early last week - in one of the Evangelion readings in one of the days before Pesaha, Indian Orthodox Christians heard from the pulpit the words of the High Priest Caiaphas "It is better for one man to die than to let the whole nation perish". Those words were prophetic. That was the exact reason the Son of God became Man - to die Himself so that the entire world did not perish. Even when he was plotting against the Creator, even though he was one of the main villains in the story of the crucifixion of the Lord, Caiaphas's mouth spoke the deep truth, even unknown by him. Caiaphas, despite all his actions, was after all the High Priest who entered the Holy of the Holies.

If Ciaphas's words, even when He was making the case against the Lord, turned out to be prophecy - then the words of the priests and High Priests ordained by God in the Church need to be listened to with great attention and reverence - because God will be using their mouths and their thoughts from time to time to prophecy about His plans in the parish, in the diocese, in the Church and in the world; despite the human frailities of these individuals, and often without their own knowledge.

(April 2013)

Rituals - they come alive in the Church

The last week, Indian Orthodox Christians world wide would have been exposed to different symbols,different colors, different highs, different emotions: from the triumphant Entry of a King, to the hideous plotting of His death, to the depressing sight of a gruesome murder, the fleeing of His close friends, to a royal burial, to His amazing proclamation in Hades, and finally to the ecstacy of experiencing the greatest miracle - that He is risen! indeed!

All through the week there were prostrations, processions, proclamations, responses, all wound together finely into very visible and conspicuous rituals. What do these rituals do?

Something happened 2000 years ago which changed the course of human destiny. That changed our whole understanding about death. That changed death from being a finale to become a mere milestone in an onward journey of spiritual renewal; death no more held its terror, it was no more an end in itself. That change gives hope for a better tomorrow, for a life beyond. What happened 2000 years ago brought about salvation for all humanity, salvation from death, and into life eternal.

What happened exactly, how it saves Creation, we don't know. What Christ did, why it was necessary, we will probably never fully understand. Through the various rituals in the Church, we try to identify with what happened, to relate to how it transforms us, and to put it all in a human understandable pattern. Thus the rituals are attempts to explain the inexplicable,to describe the undescribable, to try and make a little bit sense of the unfathomable mysteries.

So when we look at these rituals from the outside, they may seem very ordinary, very empty - for example - the procession of the priest and acolytes on Good Friday at the time of the burial service - and they would have remained so, had there been nothing else to it. But because these are glimpses into the majestic work of the Holy Spirit in the Church, that is mostly unseen, unheard,unrevealed and un understood by human thinking; because these are attempts to make sense of the continuous work of the Creator who fashioned the world, saved it and continues fulfilling its redemption, because these are but miniscule and imperfect shadows of a greater and excellent glory that is useen, the rituals in the Church come alive and become meaningful tools to experience the salvation that God has granted to His Creation. Here we are becoming co participants with Nicodemos and Joseph in the burial service, in an event that transcends time and space. When seen in this light, they no longer remain empty rituals but become the channels for the transfer of grace from the Divine Presence into the world through the Church.

Christ is Risen! Indeed He is risen!

(April 2013)

The Aramana Church of Mumbai

This is the place I grew up - on those floors I would sit in what seemed like never ending times then, I would stand there without having a clue as to why I was there, what was said from the pulpit seldom made any sense..those days it indeed seemed like torture.

but this place knew me, never gave up on me, and patiently waited for me, and when I finally came back, embraced me with loving arms, like that father of the prodigal son..
so this is the place where I learnt the first essentials of the faith, where I finally seemed to get it! Once it naturally began to sink in, everything else seemed to make sense, this then became the place where I spent an awful lot of my time - and willingly so. Even when sent away, like a bouncing ball I would be back. There was something in this place that seemed to attract me like magnet.

This is my Church, Vashi Aramana Church in Navi Mumbai.

Now after so many years, hardly anyone knows me there - so when I visited, I was able to be with my own self, and with the company of this place which seemed to still remember me; and I kinda liked it that way.

I am sure even now there are other little ones there to stand on those floors instead of me, who get bored, confused and disillusioned, like I once was. I am only hoping a few out of them also get the opportunity in time, to know the real value of this place, and are able to experience the richness of the faith because of the patient love that emanates from this the father of the prodigal son..

Saturday, August 23, 2014

A Christian's salute to the womenfolk

It is a woman who cuddled,nursed and handled God Incarnate for the first time, and for many times, before anyone in the world really knew Him, and much before He was given to our priests and bishops of today to handle.

It was the women who had the courage to stand By His Cross when everyone else deserted Him.

It was the women who took pains to go to His tomb with myrr and spices to anoint His Holy body when all others were gripped with fear and terror.

It was a woman who announced the Resurrected Lord to the world, before anyone saw Him risen.

It was a woman who taught us the value in praying persistently even in hopelessness, reminding us that even dogs get to eat what falls from the Master's table.

And even today, it is a woman we turn to, after the Lord's prayer, to help take our prayers to His Majestic presence. She is the most precious queen among all the precious saints.

We do not give enough credit to the women folk who were right in the middle of the movement that shook the world and transformed it like never before. They were right in the thick of things during the birth and growth of the Christian revolution. Thanks for that.

Happy Woman's day!


Some thoughts about the "Theotokos" and the Catholicate of the East

We celebrate March 17th as the Catholicate Day this year. We are proud of the Catholicate because it reminds us of our freedom as an Indian Church, our tradition as the ancient Church of St.Thomas without undue interference from Syrian or Western Churches.

The Catholicate and our celebrations around it, sometimes remind me of the term "Theotokos" which has become popular in the Church. It refers to the Mother of God (God bearer). However it became a known term only when excessive heresies surrounding the very nature of Christ began to threaten our understanding about Christ. The term became a tool to teach the divinity of Christ, that the one born from Mary was truly God. Thus the term "Theotokos" tells us more about Christ than about Mary. We must remember this aspect of the history of the term when we try to understand the "Theotokos". In the Church. it is always about Christ.

Similarly, in the Indian Church, the term Catholicate became popular only when the God given freedom of the Church of St.Thomas was threatened. We gathered around the Catholicose of the East, we rallied behind the Catholicate, only when the external interference in the affairs of the ancient Church of India came to a head. When our freedom was threatened, when the realization dawned that we could not bear fruits as the Church of Christ in India if we continued in the old fashion, that was when the Catholicate became a uniting force for us. If this was not so, we who had not bothered about the Catholicate for 20 centuries of our history as Christians in India, would have continued in the same way. Only when there was threat to the freedom, inorder to grow fully as the Church of India, inorder to be able to provide the right witness of Christ in India, did we begin celebrating the Catholicate Day. The Catholicate has thus become a tool to teach and grow the right faith and tradition in the land. This aspect should not to forgotten either - hope we, both the factions of Orthodox Christians in India - are able to see the value of the independent Catholicate for the flourishing of the mission of the Church in India, because in the Church, the focus should always be on Chirst.

Becoming the Apostle in the Apostolic Church.

The Apostolic Church is the Church that is "sent out", the missionary Church. So by extension, the faithful of the Apostolic Church are called to be Apostles themselves.

But how does one become an Apostle? We need to have the direct and personal experience of the Lord. "that which we have seen and heard we proclaim also to you" says the Apostle John. Even St. Paul who came later, says about his gospel , he "did not receive it from man, nor was I taught it" but directly received it from the Lord Himself. What we have not experienced, we cannot communicate to others truthfully. Being a Christian in the true sense of the word is not at all easy -- "to take up the Cross and follow Him" kind of Way -- is tough indeed. It is one thing to try and be a Christian, its totally another to tell someone else, or guide someone else into this Way -- even if that someone is your own child. So even instilling the Truth of Christian life in your child is a tough task -- because you are asking that child to be ready to suffer for Christ. When we really think about it, how many would want their children to suffer -- even if for Christ? So unless we have the total conviction in this Way -- it is not really possible to bring up even our children as Christians. How then will we tell others? How then will we be "sent out" into the world? That is why first and foremost the first hand experience of Christ, a personal experience of Christ is crucial for the Apostle. If we have not experienced this yet, wait for it, it may not be yet time for you.

When we are making haste to reach out to others, let this be our prayer always -- "O Holy Spirit, Come" and do not leave the Church till He has come! And when He has Come, as the Lord said He "will teach you everything, and remind you of all that I have said to you." Then He will send us out - with the might, courage and power and food for the journey that He alone can provide. He will go ahead of you. Then truly the Church will become "Apostolic".

Ref: Divyabodhanam, Anthony De Mello.

(Feb 2013)

Reading of the Evangelion (Gospel) in India in the 4th Century

Reading of the Evangelion (Gospel) in India in the 4th Century
Those of the Syrian Orthodox tradition know of the way we read the Holy Gospel (Evangelion). There is quite a bit of preparation that goes along with it. The Evangelion Mesha (Table) is brought to the center of the Madbaha(Holy of Holies), candles are lit, bells are rung, Marbasa (representing angels) are brought out and in a procession the celebrant brings out the Evengelion to the Evangelion Table. There is an announcement by the deacon to "stand well and listen to living words of God" and there is smoke rising from the censor as the Evangelion is being read.

And the faithful stand well. However looks like in the 4th Century there were some 'corrections' that were needed as seen below:

In 354 AD a certain Theophilus traveled to India. He saw some "wrong practices" in the Indian Churches which he then tried to correct. One such practice - "They would, for instance, listen to the gospel readings while seated"
These point to the times and practices of Indian Christians long before the West realized there were Christians in India.

Ref: S. Lieu, K. Parry, et al. Medieval Christian and Manichaean Remains from Quanzhou (Zayton).
[as shown by fifth century Church historian Philostorgius.]

Apostolic Church

When we think of "Apostolic" to describe the Church, we immediately think about how we are connected back to the Apostles, and think of a particular "lineage" going back to an Apostle, and then cling on to some idea of "throne" seating that Apostle on it, and then holding that up as some kind of trophy to show the world that we are "Apostolic". Thus we have the great divide based on "thrones".

I learnt in Divyabodhanam(laity training program) two new things about being an Apostolic Church
1) As the Apostles were "sent out", an Apostolic Church is "sent out" into the world. An Apostolic Church is a missionary Church. [The word 'missionary' is derived from the Latin translation of 'apostolic'] When and where the Church ceases to be a missionary Church, it ceases to be Apostolic.

2) It is not necessary to be founded by an original "Apostle" (original 12 disciples of Christ) for a Church to be called an Apostolic Church. There are many ancient Churches in the world founded by disciples of the apostles and their successors which are also Apostolic Churches. What is important to note is that all Churches that remain in the unbroken tradition of the authentic faith in Christ and apostolic authority are apostolic Churches.

Ref: The Light to the Nations Fr. K.M. George Book 5 POCE Divyabodhanam.

(What this also means, I think, is -- even if we have a "lineage" to show linking to an original Apostle, if we have deviated from the original faith, we can no longer be considered Apostolic)

(Feb 2013)

Seeing that look in Christ's eyes

"..the cock crowed, And the Lord turned and looked at Peter.. And he went out and wept bitterly.." ~ From St.Luke:22

What a look that must have been from Christ: so sharp it hurt, so loving it melted Peter's heart into tears, so painful it made Peter weep "bitterly" - do you not know me Peter? Wish you had chosen not to do this! Your denial makes me feel very lonely in this world! - I love you nevertheless and am giving my life for you!

Its not because we don't know enough theology that we don't have faith - We often fall short in faith because we are unable to stop and see that look in Christ's eyes, as Peter did - and weep bitterly.

"Our Father" in Heaven?

When we survey the world religions, especially those which believe in God, we see the idea of God - as a Supreme Being, a benovolent provider, an Almighty Protector, an awesome judge - as universal. When we observe the names used to refer to this God - Param-eshwar (Supreme God), Al-ah (The God), Y(a)hw(e)h (~Creator?)-they illustrate this idea about God.

Even though this is implicit in all the above usages, only in the Christian do we see God referred to (so predominantly) as the "Father". God is the "Abba", "Appa" - our own, very own Father, to whom we have such a close access. There is a sense of nearness. There is a sense of belonging.

This means there is an added responsibility on Christians - we call upon this "Father" in heaven several times a day, we say He is "our" Father - but do we really live a life worthy of being that Father's son or daughter? Often, I fall terribly short.

The rhetoric from the pulpit

What pride do we show off?
Whenever I attend a public meeting of the Church, I am taken to a land of dreams, by the eloquence of the speakers, where one after another the achievements of the Church are proclaimed, bishops are glorified, accolades are showered, victory slogans are sung; making me feel proud that I am part of such a great Church of 2000 years and that St.Thomas must be the proudest father among all the Apostles because of us, his legacy, the Indian Orthodox Christians.

But soon, and surely, as it happens with dreams, I am awakened to the rude reality that we are still really an unknown entity even in the part of the world where St.Thomas ministered; and are fast becoming an endangered species even there - with innumerable squabbles, petty clashes and court fights; I am awakened to see the faces of many disillusioned youth and clueless adults walking inside and outside the Church, and to see those outside the Church becoming more and more alien to the name of Christ because of our actions -

and then I wonder - Where is the substance to backup the words? What do we have to boast for after 2000 years? Does India know the Indian Orthodox Church, do we know India? Do we care? And - will St.Thomas forgive us for our casual attitude towards the faith, for which he gave his very life? Can this generation finally do something to bridge the gap between words from the dias and actions on the ground? [These days we remember St.John the Baptist who was beheaded, St.Stephen the deacon, who was stoned - such used to be our leaders and our people once upon a time.] (even when I write this, I am reminded of the many many charity initiatives we have and the little Christs working for them, and thank God for them, those are the only real assets we have, and for St.Thomas to be proud of)
Even when we give honor to where honor is due, I think we will do well to remember in humility how much more we need to travel to do justice to the faith we have inherited.

Sleeba Perunnal Sept 14 thoughts

Today many the world over celebrate the Festival of the Cross. Today the Cross is the symbol of glory, of hope for many.

About 2000 years ago, this same Cross was the symbol of condemnation, of ridicule, of all that is wrong with society.
Something changed in the world -
and we celebrate the Cross today.

Reminds me of a chant we Syrian Christians from Kerala use (Malayalam)
"Njangalude Athmathinu athinale Rekshayundayi yennu, Sleebaye Njangal Kumbidunnu..
Mashiha Thampurane Nee Ezhunnalli Varumpol,Njangale yum orkkename ennu, Kallanodu koodi njangalum chollunnu."

Roughly translated as:
(Because it became the instrument of our salvation [because it reminds us of our salvation, because it is a symbol of our salvation], we venerate the Cross [and honor the very symbol that proclaimed condemnation in the world]
O Lord we pray along with the robber on your side, that you remember us when you return in your glory)


Christian faith must show in works

I attended the consecration of a Church this weekend. One important theme I heard was - the light from within the Church must lighten the burden of the surrounding community. So true.

Too often Christians are so engrossed doing their own stuff, they forget their true calling and duty to the society around them. Its really not separate. Growth in faith is useless if it does not translate to good works in the society. Its nice to be reminded of these once in a while. Here's wishing the newly consecrated SBGOC of Central Jersey becomes the place of salvation for many, and also a true friend and comforter for the surrounding community.

The curse of denominations in Christianity

If all Christians were one, the Deceiver would have no chance. That was how it was originally. That was how it was intended to be.

Does anyone hear the demonic shriek of victory of Satan through the fragmented and mutilated walls of the Christian witness today? Christ cannot be seen, only divisions can be witnessed by denominations. That is why the Devil invented Christian denominations.

The purpose of denominations is to keep the message of Christ distorted and confused. That purpose is perfectly being accomplished each day today. Each new person wanting to know Christ sincerely, is faced with the barrier of denominations - which one to choose? are all the same? are any for real? Let us, for a moment, admire the devilish genius of the Deceiver for systematically, meticulously and with great patience, constructing such a thick cloud of unbelief,using denominations, around the very Church of God, that was established to cast away all confusions.


Adam and Eve - the cost of wrong company

My daughter Maria, aged 5, narrated this story recently in Boston and PA for her Sunday school storytelling competitions:

"Respected elders, and my dear friends, I am here to tell you a story about Adam and Eve. The title of the story is 'Man's Disobedience and God's love'. The story is taken from the Book of Genesis which is the first book in the Bible.

In the beginning, God created Adam and Eve and placed them in a beautiful garden called Eden. One day Satan came to Eve in the form of a snake. Satan called "Eve, Eve". Eve said, "Hi". Satan and Eve soon became good friends. Sometimes Adam also joined in their conversation and the three of them became very good friends.

One day Satan asked "Did God tell you not to eat the fruit from that tree?" "Yes", said Eve,"If you eat the fruit from that tree, you will die!" "Oh, you won't die!", said Satan. Satan went to the tree, plucked a fruit, ate it himself, plucked another and gave to Eve. Eve ate it and also gave it to Adam.

They realized that it was indeed delicious. They also realized that they had disobeyed God. And Satan disappeared.

They said to each other,"What do we do now?" "Lets go hide!"

In the evening, God came to the garden and called "Adam, Adam, where are you?" Adam answered "We are hiding, God. We disobeyed you!" God was very angry. He drove them out of the garden and placed angels to guard the garden of Eden.

But God still loved them. Many years later, He came down Himself to live with them, so that He could take them back to the garden of Eden and live happily with them ever after.

The moral of the story is - Be careful what kind of friends you make, because sometimes, even Satan tries to become your friend. Thank you."

The real source of light

I learnt something recently about light which I share, a lesson from the Bible for Christians and for everyone. We always think about the sun as the source of light, and essential to all greenery. But the creation story in the beginning pages of the Bible has a beautiful little but important lesson about the origin of light. As per the Creation Story, God made light on the first day, but made the sun on the 4th day. In between He made all the trees, vegetation, fruits etc. So the light as well as the green earth did not have the sun till day 4. Why? Why was the sun not created before light, or with light? (especially since when Genesis would have been written, then as now] it would have been natural to see the light coming from the Sun]

The Fathers explain that this happened this way to show us and to teach us the lesson that God is the source of light, not the sun.


Lessons from Noah's Ark

It is said Noah took about 75 years to build the ark. That is more than a lifetime by current standards. What a faith Noah must have had to keep on with it for so long, building an enormous boat in the middle of the land, where every person would have ridiculed him. For those 75 years, the ark being built must have been a topic for joke and for poking fun for everyone in town. In all probability,

Noah had doubts along the way. But Noah's faith outlasted his doubts.

Will our faith last?

Great Lent 2020 - 50 Days in 50 Messages

2020 - A Unique year. I had the opportunity to prepare and present my thoughts through the 50 days of the Great Lent of this remarkable year...